
Laporte Public School

Media and Technology

Welcome to the Laporte Technology Services and Homepage for Staff, Students and Parents

Welcome to the Laporte Technology Services homepage. Here you will find information for media/technology support and resources.


Remember: Equipment that has been assigned to you is your responsibility and must be returned in good working condition.  Please see the chart below if you are in need of a replacement.


Chromebook- Lenovo (grades 2,6,7,8) 250.00 

Keyboards Lenovo 49.44

Screens Lenovo 38.00

Battery Lenovo 47.10

Charger Lenovo 25.00

HP 11a G6 EE- (grades 9-12) $270.

HP 11a G6 EE- 12.00

HP 11a G6 EE- 40.80

HP 11a G6 EE – 58.61

HP 11a G6 EE- 27.00

Grade Level Assignments for Chromebooks:

K-5- Each student is assigned a Chromebook for educational use. This Chromebook is to be kept in the classroom unless we need to go to a distance learning plan in which case students will be able to bring home their device and charger. Students will be expected to return materials in good working order prior to the end of the school year or during distance learning.

6-8 MS Students are assigned a number in each classroom to utilize throughout the year.  **If students are following a Distance Learning Plan they will be allowed to take home a Chromebook and a charging cord.  Both pieces of equipment must be returned to the school in good working condition.

9-12 Students are given a Chromebook and charger the first week of school.  High school students, are responsible for their Chromebooks and may take them to and from home daily.  If a student misplaces or damages the equipment a fee to replace the equipment will be given at this time.  Students will be expected to return the equipment in the last two weeks of school in good working condition.

Contact: Sarah Warrington

Minnesota Ebooks
Ebooks MN

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