
Laporte Public School


Today is Monday, November 25th, 2024

 Happy birthday to:  


TODAY’S LUNCH: Cheese Manicotti, Garlic Bread, Fruit, Salad Bar and Milk

TUESDAY’S BREAKFAST:  Breakfast Pizza Fruit/Juice/Milk   

TUESDAY’S LUNCH:  BBQ Pork Sandwich on Whole Grain Bun French Fries Baked Beans

Fruit & Veg Bar/Milk

  1.  It’s Native American heritage month:

Ojibwe phrase of the week: Gaawiin-meaning no 

 We encourage you to use the word of the week when talking with friends and family.

  1. Juniors – don’t forget fudge money and order forms are due to Miss Edelman TODAY. 

  2. Student Council will be putting on a ‘Head to Toe’ drive.  They will be collecting new hats, gloves, socks and other things that will keep people warm head to toe.  There will be a chance to win a prize, the more you donate the more times your name goes into the drawing.  Please ask a student council member for more information.

  3. There is a speech team meeting after school today. All speech members please report to Coach Hannah’s room after school. 


Tracey gone

Lincoln gone

Carol gone at noon






Remember that Secret Santa will be played the week of Dec. 16th-20th.  If you need a refresher on how to ‘play’,  email Megan Morris


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