Today is Thursday, December 5th, 2024
Happy birthday to:
TODAY’S LUNCH: Chicken Gravy Mashed Potato/Gravy Vegetable/Dinner Roll
Fruit/Salad Bar/Milk
FRIDAY’S BREAKFAST: Cream Cheese Bagel Yogurt/Cheese Stick
Fruit/Juice/ Milk
FRIDAY’S LUNCH: Baked Fish Potato Roll Fruit & Veg Bar/Milk
Today at 2:00 concert rehearsal in the big gym for all elementary and high school choir students.
There will be FCA (youth led bible study) Today at the Door come at 7:00 if you want to get a coffee, study is from 7:20- to 7:50
Thank you to those who auditioned for the One Act Play! We will begin rehearsals on Monday, Dec. 9 after school. If you are the one who really wanted to join our one act cast, but were not able to make it to auditions, see Mr. Hobson NOW.
Student Council is putting on a ‘Head to Toe’ drive. They will be collecting new hats, gloves, socks and other things that will keep people warm head to toe. There will be a chance to win a prize, the more you donate the more times your name goes into the drawing. Please ask a student council member for more information
Boys Basketball tonight vs. Climax-Fisher at 5:00.Players may be released at 1:00 bus leaves at 1:15. Good Luck Wildcats!
Joy gone
Trista gone
Lauren M in for Carlie until noon
Beth W in for Michelle
Tyler gone at 1:30
Caity S late