
Laporte Public School


Today is Monday, December 16th, 2024

 Happy birthday to: December 15th to Hunter Wright 


TODAY’S LUNCH:Fettucine Alfredo Garlic Bread Vegetable Fruit/Salad Bar/ Milk

TUESDAY’S BREAKFAST: Catpaws, Fruit, Juice and Milk 

TUESDAY’S LUNCH: Sloppy Joes, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk

  1. If you are interested in playing JO Volleyball this Winter, please see Megan Morris in the office to get signed up.  You must be signed up by the end of December

  2. Boys Basketball tonight vs. Sebeka starting at 5:00. Good Luck Wildcats!!

  3. Don’t forget to wear your ugly Christmas sweaters tomorrow!  There will be a prize for the top 3.  Also, Friday is pajama day, wear your pajamas for the last day of school before break. 

  4. Reminder to all students pre-k to 8 are not allowed to stay after school to attend a sporting event. If they want to come back later, they must be with a parent and remain in the gym. 

  5. Please stand as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  


Sylvia gone

Jenny K gone

Jenni P gone


Caity Smith gone

Londa gone




Reminder that Student Council will be doing a cake walk for prek-2nd this afternoon, and again tomorrow afternoon for 3rd-5th and the other prek class.  


On Wednesday, during 2nd hour we will be doing Christmas Bingo in the Commons for 9-12 grade, and 3rd hour will be 6th-8th grade Bingo.  Students should check in for their classes and then come to the Commons. 

Monday will be door judging and Friday will be pajama day.  Friday will also be when NHS is doing Roshambo, which will be done in the gym.  Students should check into 2nd hour and then head to the gym. 


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