
Laporte Public School


Today is Tuesday, February 25th, 2025

 Happy birthday to: 


TODAY’S LUNCH:  Calzone, Garlic Bread, Fruit, Salad Bar and Milk 

                WEDNESDAY’S BREAKFAST:   Muffin, Cheese Stick, Yogurt, Fruit, Juice & Milk 

WEDNESDAY’S LUNCH: Chicken Tenders, French Fries, Bread Sticks, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk


  1. Mr. Townsdin’s classes will meet in the library today.

  2. Indigenous Culture Week: Wednesday will be traditional wear, regalia, medallions, and ribbon skirts.

  3. Boys basketball will play tonight in Northhome/Kelliher at 5:00PM, bus leaves at 2:45, players may be released at 2:30.

  4. Girls Basketball has their first playoff game tonight in Verndale at 7:00PM, bus leaves 4:15.


Brian B gone

Stan gone

Rachel L gone

Kari D gone

Trista gone

Joy gone

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