Today is Thursday, February 27th, 2025
Happy birthday to:
TODAY’S LUNCH: Hot Dog, Tater Tots, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk
TOMORROW’S BREAKFAST: Waffles, Bacon, Fruit, Juice & Milk
TOMORROW’S LUNCH: Baked Fish, Potato, Roll, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk
Indigenous Culture Week: Friday will be Bizhiwag Wear (wildcat wear).
Seniors: There is a scholarship opportunity worth $1000 due this Saturday please see the Scholarship Board or Jessica in the office for more information.
Anyone who uses Monica & Caity’s room, they will have Circle 3rd hr today.
Girls JH basketball will have a meeting Monday in the community room at 2:40.
The Laporte Speech team leaves for Pequot Lakes today at 1:45, please excuse students at 1:15.
The Buena Vista Ski Trip is tomorrow, please remember to bring your signed forms and money as well as winter gear. If you are not going you will need the reverse permission slip signed and will need to stay home.
The blood drive will be March 17th, all staff and students age 16 and older are invited to donate, check the student council board for more info.
Reminder to students, please do not park between the no parking signs outside the student parking lot.
Jon O in for Stan until 12:00
Abbi gone
Jamie gone
Trista gone
Andrea B gone
Jules gone
Kari D gone
Rachel L gone
Joy gone