Today is Friday, February 28th, 2025
Happy birthday to:
TODAY’S LUNCH: Baked Fish, Potato, Roll, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk
MONDAY’S BREAKFAST: Egg & Cheese Croissant, Fruit, Juice & Milk
MONDAY’S LUNCH: Fettuccine Alfredo, Garlic Bread, Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk
Middle School & High School Students & Teachers at Buena Vista today.
Seniors: Reminder that PTO Scholarship is due to the office by next Friday, March 7th, see your email for more details.
Girls JH basketball will have a meeting Monday in the community room at 2:40.
The blood drive will be March 17th, all staff and students age 16 and older are invited to donate, check the student council board for more info.
Speech Team: The bus tomorrow for Walker leaves at 7:45AM, please be here by 7:30.
Reminder to students, please do not park between the no parking signs outside the student parking lot.
Robyn gone
Lee gone
Rachel L gone
Michelle gone
Jules gone