
Laporte Public School

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Today is Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

 Happy birthday to: Connor Smith and Caden Thundershield 


TODAY’S LUNCH: Corn Dog, Tater Tots, Fruit, Salad Bar and Milk 

THURSDAY’S BREAKFAST: Long John Donut, Cheese stick, Fruit, Juice and Milk          

THURSDAY’S LUNCH: Chicken Stir fry with Rice, Fruit, Salad Bar and Milk 

  1. Speech Team Members: Speech Team end of season party postponed till Wed. May 29, 2:30pm.  -Coaches Booth and Fletcher
  2. Varsity softball will play in Blackduck tonight at 4:30.  The bus leave time is 1:45.  GOOD LUCK LADIES! 
  3. If you leave anything in your lockers past Friday- it will be thrown away. Please take everything home with you before Friday. 
  4. Any Native student who would like a summer activity bag come see Ms. Caity before the week is through
  5. Please bring your locks from your lockers to Megan in the office before Friday.  
  6. Attention 9-11th graders- BRING ALL TECHNOLOGY to your ENGLISH CLASSES- TODAY!.  Chromebooks and chargers must be turned in TODAY..
  7. Sophomores: please check your emails for fundraising opportunities from Heather. 
  8. NHS members from last year:  your hours are due into Mrs. Raschke TODAY.
  9. There are bracelets for Barb available for sale in the office.  The bracelets are 2.00. 


Emily late

Jon O. in for Dale

Andrea B. late

Danielle gone at 1:30

Mitch gone






Brian H-29th





STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS:Lunch balances will be emailed out to staff this week-please pay lunch balances by Friday! 



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