
Laporte Public School


Today is Thursday, March 6, 2025


Happy birthday to: Remi Reimer

TODAY’S LUNCH:Bratwurst on Bun, JoJo Potatoes, Vegetable, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk 

TOMORROW’S BREAKFAST: Sausage Gravy & Biscuit, Fruit, Juice & Milk

TOMORROW’S LUNCH: Macho Nachos, Black Beans, Lettuce, Tomato, Olives, Sour Cream, Fruit, Salad Bar & Milk   

  1. Any vehicles not parked correctly in the student parking lot will be towed at the owner’s expense starting Friday morning!

  2. There will be “Circle” tomorrow morning at 8:30AM in Monica & Caity’s room.

  3. The speech bus leaves for Walker today at 2:45, please excuse students at 2:15.l

  4. Any 11th grade girls interested in going to “Girl’s State” applications are due this friday to the office.

  5. Softball Practice starts next Monday March 10th.

  6. Spring Sports Meeting is Monday March 10th, 5:00 for students new to sports  & 5:30 for all others.

  7. Seniors: Reminder that PTO Scholarship is due to the office tomorrow,see your email for more details.

  8. The blood drive will be March 17th, all staff and students age 16 and older are invited to donate, check the student council board for more info.


Tracey gone

Shannon gone 

Jenni P gone

Danielle gone at 1:30

Lisa M gone at noon

Hannah gone at noon

Rachel L gone

Kari D gone

Lee gone

AJ gone



Jessica 4th

Harold 6th



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