
Laporte Public School

Laporte Student Attendance Policy at Events

                                                   Laporte Student Attendance Policy at Events–
Our goal is to provide a fun, safe and engaging opportunity for students and families to support our high
school athletes as they perform in extra-curricular activities. Students who attend these events are there to
watch and support our student-athletes as they compete. The following expectations are in place to ensure
that all who attend experience a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.
PK-8 Students:
● Students are not permitted to remain at school unsupervised between the end of the school day
and the start of games.
● Laporte students will be admitted to games free of charge (visiting students pay $3.00) with a
paid parent/guardian escort. Adult admission is $5.00 per person. Unsupervised students will
not be permitted entry without an accompanying adult.
● The student code of conduct for school extends to all Laporte school events. Students running,
throwing objects, using profanity, or causing other disruptions will be required to sit with their
guardian for the remainder of the game.
● If the student’s guardian is not present, an administrator on duty will call home and may
ask for the student to be picked up early.
● There will be no refunds issued if a student is removed from the game before
its conclusion.
● If a guardian has to be called about a student’s behavior, the student will be removed
from the game and may not be admitted to games for the remainder of the year.
● Significant disruptions and policy violations are subject to further disciplinary action.
● Students are permitted to use the restrooms and go to the concession stand as needed but
should otherwise remain in the bleachers throughout the game.
● Students are not permitted to be in areas that are not part of the game venue. There should not
be any walking the hallways in areas away from the gyms and commons. This includes any
areas on the second floor balcony or hallways.
● Students are not permitted to bring footballs, soccer balls, etc. to games. Balls will be
confiscated at the gate or by administration if brought to the venue.
● Students are to leave school with their parent/guardian at the conclusion of the event. Students
still on campus and unsupervised 15 minutes after the conclusion of a game may not be
permitted to return to a game for the remainder of the season.
Parent/Guardian Guidelines:
● Do not drop your student off unattended at games. It is expected that guardians supervise their
● Please review expectations of behavior with your student(s) before arrival, and arrange for a
meeting location at the end of the game.
● If your student is brought to you in the bleachers, please make sure your student remains with
you for the duration of the game.
● As stated above, please be aware that students still on campus, unsupervised, 15 minutes after
the conclusion of an event may not be permitted to attend future events.
This policy goes into effect beginning Monday, December 9th, 2024

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