
Laporte Public School

Laporte Public School

News & Highlights

Upcoming Events

December 20- Early Release for Students

December 23-January 3- Holiday School Closed

January 6- Welcome Back-Classes Resume

January 17- End of Semester 1/Early Release for Students

January 20- Teacher Workshop Day- No Students

Febuaryary 14th- Teacher Workshop- No Students

February 17- School Closed

March 13- Early Release/Parent Teacher Conferences

April 17- Early Release

April 18-21- School Closed for Holiday

May 8- Open House

May 23- Early Release/End of Semester

May 26- School Closed

May 27th- Teacher Workshop

June 19- School Closed

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about our Students

All students deserve a great education, one that affords every opportunity for them to grow into knowledgeable and successful adults. But every student has a unique background, unique strengths, and a unique path to college and a career. Contact our office if you are interested in enrolling in our school.

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Laporte School Mission Statement
The mission of Laporte School is to challenge all of our students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for lifelong learning, growth, and responsible citizenship.
Best High School Bronze Award
Laporte Secondary is recognized in the US News National Rankings and earned a bronze medal. Schools are ranked based on their performance on state-required tests and how well they prepare students for college.
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